Hello! First of all I have no idea why I didn't write here for so long. I am not good at telling about my life to people. Even my parent and my best friends. Maybe that's why. Okay I know this is not a good excuse. I admit I am lazy as much as a Panda! Anyway it's been too long and I missed writing here. So many things happened and many things changed in my life... One of them is moving to Romania for a year. The photo was taken at my first day in Romania. It was my first money which I earn here. Still I remember my feelings in that day. I was nervous, I was excited, I was happy, I was sad, I was curious... All the things were I am. Moving abroad was the biggest step I have ever done in my life. I am in Romania for 6 months and I had so many experiences. I wish I could say that all of them was good but not unfortunately. I will talk about my experiences on my next posts. Now I want to talk about why I moved abroad? and how? ...