10 Things To Do Every Day
Sometimes reaching your life goals can be difficult. Because you need to effort to achieve them. Maybe you've started to try already (If you didn't set up your goals yet you can find here how to set up your life goals.) and Maybe you are about to give up. Giving up seems always the easy way but it never help to make your life better.
I try to get daily good habits and I just made a list of me. New habits can help you to reach your goals. Because it can be more difficult to change your all life. If you start to chane your days rather than your life it would be much easier to achieve your goals. As you know Everyday is another chance to be better than you were yesterday.
Here are the 10 Thing to do Every Day

1) Wake Up Early: If you want to make your day better you should start a day early. Because you will save the time and do more works in the morning. Every morning you should decide a goal to move yourself. Don't miss a point. You need to be sure that you get enough sleep. If you don't, the day will be just trash.
'Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. '
Ben Franklin
2) Exercise: Exercise is the natural antidepressant it always makes you calm, feel good and makes you in a good mood. Your body need to move everyday. If you like to dance you can dance too! Dance and music will make your day fun.

3) Laugh: this seem the easiest one but when try to do it everyday you will understand it is not easy that much to make yourself laugh for the even small things but you can try and do. :)

4) Spend time with what you love: You built your goals with the things what you love. So If you spend time with something which you love, it will make you closer to your goals.
‘You can spend your whole life doing what you don’t want to do, and die. Or you can spend your life doing what you do want to do, and die. The end result is the same. The question is whether or not you are going to enjoy yourself in the meantime.’ From the article ‘Do What You Are Meant To Do’
Dan Pedersen

5) Eat healthy foods: Health. Health. Health.. The most important thing in your life. If you don't have a good health, If you don't live healthy , the other goals are meaningless. So take care of yourself.

6) Drink more water: I add this to my list because I don't drink water much in a day . The %70 of your body is water. Your body, your brain need water to work well. You need water more than anything. So make your glass bigger!

7) Learn something new: Lerning is a need like eating,drinking,Sleeping... etc. Learning something new everyday makes you to look in different perspective.

8) Use the phone less: I've metioned about saving time by waking up early in morning. If you wake up early to save time but you spend time on the phone and internet too much. your waking up doesnt mean anything. you can't make quality time for you.

9) Plan for tomorrow: You've almost finished your day and time to prepare for tomorrow. Make your day more beautiful than yesterday. You need a good plan for that.

10) Be thankful: Always be thankful what you have at the end of the day. Sometimes it is easier to focus on what we don't have rather than what we do have. but you will notice that when you focus on what you have, you will be happier.
' Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.'
Bil Keane
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